Sims 2 Around The World / U.S.A / Texas / League City / Brittany Lakes / Beginning of the mid-2017 memories
So, this is just a little introduction of my neighborhood, and some newer memories that were created. I have so far two best friends in this neighborhood of mine, Brittany Lakes. The first one's name is Alex, I've known him for 4 years so ever since I was 9. He's 12 years old, 7th grade, and he lives on the far Eastern side of the neighborhood. Then there's Tayne, I met him just this June but him and I clicked so well, because we have a very similar personality and a lot of the same interests, he's a little older. 16 years old, 11th grade, and he is the "tricycle guy" of the neighborhood. He lives near the entrance of the neighborhood on the Western side. So he lives fairly far away from Alex's house,but he's still closer to me than Alex is. We met him at the neighborhood park, we message him on Hangouts a lot. He's sort of a popular dude at his school and in real life in general. Anyways, Alex and I decided to look for his house one day and he told us what street he lived on, what his cars looked like, in the past so we decided to do some searching. We stumbled across this house with the similar looking cars, the street name was correct, so I kept wondering if it was it. Alex and I stood there for a while trying to determine.

Then all of a sudden, I got a text from Tayne saying "Found y'all!!!" I ran for it and screamed as soon as I saw the text. Alex rolled his eyes and slowly walked after me, asking what the problem was. I told him what I received, then we went back to look at the house again, sure enough it was Tayne's house because we found him standing in the window.

Then all of a sudden, I got a text from Tayne saying "Found y'all!!!" I ran for it and screamed as soon as I saw the text. Alex rolled his eyes and slowly walked after me, asking what the problem was. I told him what I received, then we went back to look at the house again, sure enough it was Tayne's house because we found him standing in the window.
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